Talks and Presentations

5/April/2023 – Public talk at Café de Toeter, Pint of Science series by the Young Academy Groningen
7/June/2023 – Invited talk at Humboldt University, Berlin as part of the conference Rewriting the History of Political Thought from the Margins.
26 June 2023 – Presentation of the Lespakket ‘Duikend in een onbekende wereld’ with Scholieren Academie. Sign up available here:
15-19/July/2023 – ‘Medieval Missionaries and Imaginaries of the International’ Conference Presentation as part of the IPSA World Congress, Buenos Aires
30 August 2023 – Presentation at ‘(Mis)Managing Differences’ Dahrendorff Programme Workshop, Stanford, CA.
5-9 September 2023- ‘Early Modern Semantics of Human Difference in the Iberian World’, Presentation at the Pan-European Conference in International Relations, Potsdam, Germany.